Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I love Springtime!

As you all know by now I am terrible at keeping my blog up to date. We have done a lot of fun things this Spring. I love when the weather starts to get warmer, when you can do fun things outside again and spend time as a family. These are all the things that mean Springtime is here for me...

Scoccer! The kids loved going to the Real game.

Hair cuts outside in the backyard.

Planting seeds and flowers.

Being outside together as a family.

Hockey playoffs.

Easter outfits.

Rolling down big hills.

Playing basketball.

Cute babies with sun hats.

Easter egg hunts.

Flying kites.

I just loved this picture Springtime or not.

Nightly baths to get all the dirt off.

Hanging on the beach.

Show and tell at school.

None of the boys wanted to touch Mr. Butters.

Spring skiing.

Enjoying the sun!!!

I can't wait for summer!!!