Josie was excited about her pumpkin flash light.
We went trick or treating with Andy, Melissa, Drew, Eliza and Olivia and Josie loved every second of it! She would stand at the door for ever after she had gotten her treat. Maybe she thought if she stood there long enough, they would give her more.
Here are all the kids minus Charlie.
I love Drew and Josie in this picture!
He is always so sweet to her!
Josie stomped right though these leaves after
I am sure they had racked them up nicely for the evening.
She had so much fun doing it.
Olivia and Charlie enjoying the ride around the neighborhood.
Charlie enjoying his sucker while on his ride.
Andy was nice enough to haul the kids all night in the wagon.
Josie loved that part of the night!
When we finally got home, Josie was so excited to
answer the door and give the kids candy.
She would give them HUGE handfuls.
Their eyes were all popping out!
But the best part was when she dumped out
all the candy and we sorted it all.
That was my favorite part as a kid too,
checking out all the goods we had gotten.
What a fun night for all of us!